Information For Authors

3rd International Congress on Sports Science and Computer Science In Sports

Scientific papers (up to FOUR pages in length) are to be submitted electronically on the IACSS 2016 platform for review. If not done yet, you will first have to create your personal account on the IACSS 2016 platform by filling this online form.

Each paper will be submitted from your personal account (MY SPACE) by following the four-step process described here.

he following fields will be required:
Title Place the title of your paper.
Type Choose the type of submission among the following list: Oral, Poster; New IACSS Investigator Award;
For oral or poster presentation, please note that you may not get your preference due to the volume of paper submissions.
Topic Select up to 3 themes that may apply to your proposal among the following:
Computer Vision
Biomechanics of Sports
Biomechanics of Locomotion
Biomechanical Modeling/Simulation
Biomechanics and Neuromuscular Control
Sensor Technology
Sports Product Development
Strength & Conditioning
Teaching/Coaching Biomechanics
Performance Development and Analysis
Computer Games
Image Processing
Modelling and Simulation
Data acquisition and Analysis
Decision Support
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Aerodynamics in Sports
Winter Sports
Water Sports
Strength/Power Sports
Paralympic & Special Population
Individual/Team Sports
Combat Sports
Acrobatic Sports

Please note that the organizers may re-allocate proposal.
Keywords Indicate up to 6 relevant keywords that are not in the title.

Use this Microsoft WORD guidelines and template file to submit your paper. This template contains specific instructions and a sample paper.

The main file will be automatically converted to pdf. We recommend you to generate your own pdf document from the Microsof WORD template file and then upload your own pdf file. We noticed that the automatic pdf conversion performed by our platform could cause errors (eg: spaces eliminated between words, equations not interpreted correctly, …).

Supplementary data can be added to the paper. These supplementary data can be uploaded as a file directly on IACSS 2016 platform, retrieved as a document available from the URL or embedded as html code (eg video deposited on another platform, …).

The paper must be written in English.
The paper can be TWO or FOUR A4 pages in length, single spaced, in Arial size 11 font with normal character spacing. Set your page to A4 portrait (30cm high by 21cm wide). The printing area should be 25cm by 16cm. Set the left and right margins at 2.5cm and the top and bottom margins at 2.5cm. The printing (other than formulas and tables) should be fully (right and left) justified. Do NOT indent the first line of paragraphs or sections.
Use one or two lines to write the TITLE in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. Skip one line and type the author(s) first name and surname in bold lower case. On the next line give the author(s) affiliation(s), city, state, and country in bold lower case. The title, authors and affiliations should be centered. Skip another line.
Right and left justify all the following text (except formulas and tables).
Write an abstract of no more than 10 lines indented 1cm from both the right and left margins in Arial size 10 font. Do NOT use a heading for the abstract and write the abstract as an unbroken single paragraph.
Skip one line and list up to six keywords (lower case, unbolded) not used in the title describing your paper alongside the sub-heading KEYWORDS written in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS.
Skip another line and return to full width and Arial size 11 font. Your paper should have the following structure: An INTRODUCTION indicating the significance and purpose of the research and citing the primary literature sources. A description of the METHODS of data collection, data analysis, and research design. A RESULTS and DISCUSSION section. These sections may be combined if desired in the interests of saving space. A CONCLUSION should include reference to implications and applications of the work to sport and exercise. A major goal of the ISBS is to bridge the gap between sports biomechanics and practitioners in teaching, coaching, training, and rehabilitation of participants in sports. Your conclusion should highlight potential benefits of the study for practitioners. If your study is an advancement of methods of analysis or the development of new equipment, then the conclusion should indicate how this could lead to assisting practitioners. An alphabetical list of REFERENCES.
Do not skip lines between paragraphs or before lower level headings. Formulas, figures, and tables should be formatted in the style adopted by the International Journal of Computer Science aplied to sports