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Author Guidelines

Submission period: September 1st to October 15th, 2021.

Languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Issues covered by the Conference

The Accountability Process

Compliance with responsibility. Methodology and practice of accountability, discussion and disclosure of information to internal and external users that promotes the transparency of management acts.

Accounting Policies

Policies for identifying, measuring, recognizing and disclosing information produced by accounting, at a managerial level and to external users.

Compliance Process

Integrity program for producing fair information for society. Adaptation to the rules of regulators and fund providers. Adequacy to legal acts.

Border and relationship between sectors of the social economy

Limits of competences between sectors (first, second and third) and how they relate to each other

Governance Model Policies

Framework, principles, practices, values, ethics, culture and commitment of the entity.

Management and Entrepreneurship

Business management model and relationships with market and state agents. The challenge of the new.

Regulation Process

Normative framework that guides the third sector in Brazil and other countries.

Social Economy Environment

Sector relationship in the context of welfare economics and social companies, cooperativism and entrepreneurship.

Sustainability Policies

Adoption and development of practices that allow the organization and/or the sector's business to be sustained in activities such as education, health, social assistance, cooperativism, environmental and human rights.

Tax Exemption

Immunity, Exemption, Incidence and Non-Incidence, at the federal, state and municipal levels. Indirect Transfer.

Non-State Public Service

Offering service to the community in return for the benefit of the direct transfer and indirect transfer received.

Performance and Sustainability Assessment

Metrics for evaluating the performance and sustainability of the business.


All submissions will be made online, through the Congress website, upon prior registration of the authors:

Academic Articles – formatting

Papers must be submitted in two types of files: one without identification of the authors and the other with identification of the authors (both .DOC - documents in .DOCX or any other versions will not be accepted).

Word (.DOC) – With identification of authors: First page content (only): author(s) and Institution (following the pattern that will be found in the available Template); title of the work (with all the main words starting in capital letters); abstract of the work between 200 to 300 words, in the same language as the work (work in Portuguese must not have an abstract).


Word (.DOC) – No identification of authors: Contents of the first page (only): title of the work (with all the main words starting in capital letters); abstract of the work between 200 to 300 words, in the same language as the work (work in Portuguese must not have an abstract). It should be noted that this file must use the Template that will be available and must not contain any identification of the authors (identified articles will not be evaluated)

Paper: A4 (29.7 x 21 cm).

Paper orientation: portrait.

Margin: Standard APA (American Psychological Association).

Font: Times New Roman; size 12 (for texts) and 10 (for tables, figures and footnotes).

Spacing: single space between lines and 6 points before and after and paragraph.

Alignment: justified, for paragraphs, with a 1 cm indent on the first line.

Work summary: between 200 to 300 words.

Pages: the minimum must be 8 (eight) pages and must not exceed 20 (twenty), including abstract, tables, figures, bibliographical references and end-of-text notes.

Paging: To insert number of pages in the bottom right corner of the page.

Acronyms: when they appear for the first time in the text, the form of the names precedes the acronyms, placed in parentheses. Example: University of Brasília (UnB).

Footnotes: should not be placed in footnotes, but inserted as text endnotes. If there are acknowledgment notes, they should only be inserted in the Word document (.DOC) with identification of the authors.

Template: Go to submission page or click aqui.

Citations, References, Tables and Figures:

a - Citations: according to the Standard of the American Psychological Association (APA). They should be indicated, in the text, by the 'author-date' call system:

b - References: according to the Standard of the American Psychological Association (APA). Only those cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article.

c - Table: only this term should be used, in the title, for quantitative and/or qualitative data presented in row and column format (do not use the term “table”). Tables must be listed sequentially with a header explaining: what is being represented, when it occurred and where it occurred. The title must be placed above the Table, as per the American Psychological Association (APA) standard.

d - Figure: only this term should be used in the title for the images (do not use the terms “illustration”, “graphic”, “organization chart” etc.). The title must be placed at the bottom (below the image), preceded by the word Figure, followed by its order number in the text, in Arabic numerals, according to the American Psychological Association (APA) standard.

e - Tutorials on the American Psychological Association (APA) standards available at:

Professional Articles - formatting

Professional articles may be submitted in the form of case studies or reports, with limits between 8 and 10 pages:

a. Scope

b. Experience/case description

c. Possible solutions

d. Expected results

Professional articles must also be submitted in two types of files: one without author identification and the other with author identification (both .DOC - we will not accept documents in .DOCX or any other versions).

Paper: A4 (29.7 x 21 cm).

Paper orientation: portrait.

Font: Times New Roman; size 12 (for texts) and 10 (for tables, figures and footnotes).

Spacing: single space between lines and 6 points before and after and paragraph.

Alignment: justified, for paragraphs, with a 1 cm indent on the first line.

Paging: To insert number of pages in footer with alignment on the right side.

Template: Go to submission page or click HERE.

ISBN 978-85-64593-74-9