Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

Standards for approval of academic papers
Pay attention to the rules for inclusion of authors and co-authors in proposals:
a) the person responsible for submitting the academic article registers it, registers the
work and enters the names of the co-authors;
b) Each work may have a maximum of 04 (four) additional co-authors, totaling 05
(five) authors per submitted work, when the first author is also considered;
c) Each author/co-author may submit up to 03 (three) articles in total (academic and

Standards for approval of professional work

Pay attention to the rules for inclusion of authors and co-authors in proposals:
a) The person responsible for submitting the professional article registers it, registers
the work and enters the names of the co-authors. There is no co-author limit for
professional articles;
b) Each author/co-author may submit up to 03 (three) articles in total (academic and


Cataloging data



C748           Conferência Internacional da Iniciativa BRICS para Estudos Agrários Críticos (6. : 2018 : Brasília)

VI Conferência Internacional da Iniciativa BRICS para Estudos Agrários Críticos (BICAS) sobre desenvolvimento e transformações agrárias : BRICS, competição e cooperação no Sul Global [recurso eletrônico] / Andréa Leme da Silva ... [et al.], organização. _ Brasília : Universidade de Brasília, 2018.


Texto em PDF.


ISBN 978-85-64593-74-9


  1. Desenvolvimento agrário. 2. Economia agrária. I. Silva, Andréa Leme da (org.). II. Título.


CDU 63


ISBN 978-85-64593-74-9