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Influências regionais e desenvolvimento: BRICS, comercio e investimentos no Sul Global

The Boom and Bust of Iron Ore Extractivism, 2005-2015: Role of the Brazil-India- China Nexus
Markus Kröger
Soy King and Wheat Queen: The meaning of leading monocultures in agrarian change in Brazil and Russia
Paulo Niederle, Alexander Kurakin, Alexander Nikulin, Sergio Schneider
The Wildlife Economy and Agrarian Transformation in the Context of the Deepening Land Question in South Africa
Tariro Kamuti

Transformações agrárias e desenvolvimento rural e territorial nos BRICS

O Cadastro Ambiental Rural e seus efeitos: Política pública de regularização ambiental no território
Matheus Sehn Korting

Terra, meio ambiente, soberania alimentar: resistências e movimentos sociais

Transforming Socialist Peasant Movement in Mansehra (Pakistan) into Ethno-Lingual Movement & Its Implications: From 1980 to Present
rashid mughal, Adil Khan

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