Presentations and Authors

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Regional influences and development: BRICS trade and investments across the Global South

As diferentes abordagens dos governos da China e do Brasil frente aos recursos naturais incorporados no comércio de produtos agropecuários PDF (Português (Brasil))
Ina Thomé Picoli, Lilian de Pellegrini Elias
The Future Direction of BRICS Countries’ Soybean Trade in the U.S.-China Trade Dispute PDF
Yu Zhong, Mingzhe Pu, Xinye Lv

South-South Cooperation: policy transfer and state influences among BRICS and MICs

expansão da fronteira pelo agronegócio nos Cerrados e savanas: determinações tecnológicas e logísticas das agroestratégias e as resistências no Brasil e em Moçambique PDF (Português (Brasil))
Diana Aguiar, Silvio Isoppo Porto
From Disembedding to Re-embedding: Double Movement of China’s Food System, 1978-2018 PDF
Fang ping, Zhou li

Agrarian transformations and rural and territorial development in BRICS

Agrarian transitions and rural social relations in Jharkhand, India PDF
AVINASH ., Devanathan Parthasarathy
Legal challenges to proprietary seed regimes in Brazil and India PDF
Karine Eliane Peschard, Shalini Randeria
Agrarian Transition in China: the triadic connection between the state, capital and family farming
Lu Pan

Earth, Environment, Food Sovereignty: Resistances and Social Movements

Educação do Campo, egressos e mundo do trabalho: um diálogo necessário PDF (Português (Brasil))
José Paulo Pietrafesa

Land and water grabbing

The agricultural frontier in today's Brazil and the limits of the spatial fix: the fictitious capital conditioning the space production in the MATOPIBA region PDF (Português (Brasil))
Cássio Arruda Boechat, Carlos de Almeida Toledo, Fábio Teixeira Pitta
Water grabbing and expansion of agricultural frontiers: case study in a Brazilian Savannah Protected Area, State of Bahia PDF
Andrea Leme da Silva, Carlos José de Sousa Passos, Ludivine Eloy, Saulo Aires de Souza