Presentations and Authors

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Regional influences and development: BRICS trade and investments across the Global South

Why Does China Go Abroad? A study Case of the Methods and Dynamics of COFCO’s Expansion Towards Brazil PDF
Tomaz Mefano Fares

South-South Cooperation: policy transfer and state influences among BRICS and MICs

The critical role of agriculture and rural development in contributing to a sustainable global development path - reflections and sketch of an alternative comparative research agenda PDF
Bernardo Mancano Fernandes, Kjell Johannes Havnevik

Environmental crisis and agro-ecology in Latin America and the Global South

Agribusiness and socio-environmental destruction in Paraguay PDF (Português (Brasil))
Ramón Bruno Fogel
Building Autonomous Territorialities in Rural Agrarian Reform Settlements: The Case of Agroecological Rice in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil PDF (Português (Brasil))
Camila Ferracini Origuéla, Bernardo Mançano Fernandes

Resurgent authoritarianism and populism in contemporary political and agrarian transitions

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa, and the Peasant Commission of the Truth of Brazil: lessons and contributions to think about transitional justice PDF (Português (Brasil))
Regina Coelly Fernandes Saraiva

Earth, Environment, Food Sovereignty: Resistances and Social Movements

A produção do “desenvolvimento sustentável” na Amazônia brasileira: uma análise das estratégias de engajamento e enquadramento interpretativos das ONGs. PDF (Português (Brasil))
Pedro Frizo, Paulo Niederle

Land and water grabbing

Jaíba Project Stage I: settlement and land concentration on irrigated perimeter PDF () PDF (Português (Brasil))
Adâmara Santos Gonçalves Felício

ISBN 978-85-64593-74-9